Looking for ASTM A 632 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing Small Diameter Suppliers in India, Leading Pipe, Stainless Steel, (Corrosion Resisting). Seamless or Welded. Annealed Distributors in India, Largest ASTM A213, A312 SS TP Tubing, Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Dealers in India, Top Quality Seamless Type 304L , Seamless Type 321, Seamless Type 316, Seamless Type 304, Seamless Type 347, Stockholder in India, Reliable Exporter of Seamless Type 316 Annealed Structural in India
The Definitive Source for Stainless Steel Tube, Ready Inventory to Meet Exacting Specifications, SEAMLESS MIL-T 8808 TYPE 321 STAINLESS STEEL TUBE DFAR COMPLIANT, Seamless Stainless Steel Tube and Welded Stainless Steel Tube, Types : 304, 304H, 304L, 309, 310, 316, 317L, 321, 321H, 347, 347H, 410, 440C, 446, 2205 Duplex, SPECIFICATIONS: ASTM A213,ASME SA213,ASTM A249,ASME SA249,ASTM, A268,ASTM A269,ASTM A511,AMS 5566,AMS 5570,AMS 5571,AMS 5576, AMS 5639,AMS 5645, MIL-T-6845,MIL-T-8504, MIL-T-8808
ASTM A 213 ASME SA 213 Seamless Ferritic Stainless Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes., ASTM A 249 ASME SA 249 Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes. , ASTM A 269 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service., ASTM A312 ASME SA 312 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe.
Citizen Metals is India's well known supplier of Stainless steel tube, seamless and welded tubing. Citizen Metals has skilled & experienced manpower, which stands by its commitment, which is of utmost importance when manufacturing Stainless steel Tubes, mechanical tubes, Boiler tubes, seamless heater tubes, welded Instrumentation tubes for critical applications. Citizen Metals Pvt. Ltd. having in-house manufacturing and testing facilities to meet the stringent requirements of Clients in Malaysia, Indonesia, Qatar. as Citizen Metals is Saudi Aramco approved supplier of Stainless steel tube, seamless and welded tubing so our responsibility is more to supply only high quality Stainless steel seamless tubes to entire region of Gulf countries.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for just call one of our team members at +91-22-61905600 to 699 (100 Lines). No inquiry is too large or too small, we specialize in locating hard to find items. If you do see what you are looking, we would love to assist you and give you a quote today!
Citizen Metals offers a selection of stainless steel tube in fractional, metric and Imperial sizes and in accordance with global specifications. We also bring to you huge varieties of stainless steel pipe and fittings, sheets, plates and hollow bars.
The Definitive Source for Stainless Steel Tube
Citizen Metals is committed to providing our customers with professional friendly service and maintains one of the industry’s most extensive stainless steel tubing inventories including, seamless tubing and welded tubing, available in large outside diameters and small outside diameters, thin wall and heavy wall.
Ready Inventory to Meet Exacting Specifications
Our stainless steel tubing is manufactured in hydraulic, pressure, mechanical and boiler tube sizes. We carry stainless steel tubing in wide variety of specifications to meet your commercial, defense and aircraft requirements, AMS, ASTM, ASME, MIL-T and MIL-S specifications including full certification and mill test reports to address all your quality concerns.
We stock over 20 grades of austenitic, ferritic, nickel based and duplex stainless steel tubing to meet your corrosion and high temperature needs. Our inventory strategy of maintaining depth in commodity sizes and keeping levels of uncommon sizes has made us the vendor the industry can depend on. Our multiple warehouses are strategically located to reduce your delivery time.
Impeccable Customer Service Guaranteed
Let our strong relationship with the top stainless steel tube producers in the United States and around the globe help solve all your stainless steel needs. If you have a hard to find, recurring, size, grade or specification in stainless steel tubing and are looking for a partner to help meet your budget and delivery requirements, talk to your sales representative today to see how we can help.
Send your next stainless steel tube inquiry to exports@citizenltd.com, exports@citizenltd.com and let us show you what we can do.
New Arrivals:
Citizen Metals is pleased to announce new arrivals to our current stock!
2,000 FT | 3/8” OD x .035” WALL | 20’ LONG |
2,000 FT | 1/2″ OD x .049” WALL | 20’ LONG |
2,000 FT | 1/2″ OD x .083” WALL | 20’ LONG |
2,000 FT | 3/4″ OD x .120” WALL | 20’ LONG |
2,000 FT | 1.0” OD x .083” WALL | 20’ LONG |
2,000 FT | 1-1/4” OD x .109” WALL | 20’ LONG |
1,800 FT | 1-1/4” OD x .188” WALL | 20’ LONG |
1,000 FT | 1-1/2” OD x .188” WALL | 20’ LONG |
1,000 FT | 1-1/2” OD x .250” WALL | 20’ LONG |
1,060 FT | 3.0” OD x .065” WALL | 20’ LONG |
Seamless Stainless Steel Tube and Welded Stainless Steel Tube
TYPES: | 304, 304H, 304L, 309, 310, 316, 317L, 321, 321H, 347, 347H, 410, 440C, 446, 2205 Duplex |
SPECIFICATIONS: | ASTM A213,ASME SA213,ASTM A249,ASME SA249,ASTM, A268,ASTM A269,ASTM A511,AMS 5566,AMS 5570,AMS 5571,AMS 5576, AMS 5639,AMS 5645, MIL-T-6845,MIL-T-8504, MIL-T-8808 |
1/6 O.D. | 1/8 O.D. | 5/32 O.D. | 7/32 O.D. | 1/4 O.D. | 5/16 O.D. | 3/8 O.D. | 3/8 O.D. | ||||||||
0.006 | 304 | 0.01 | 321 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.01 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.02 | 347 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.008 | 304 | 0.012 | 304 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.01 | 321 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.022 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 |
0.01 | 304 | 0.012 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 |
0.01 | 316 | 0.012 | 321 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.049 | 317L | 0.035 | 304 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 |
0.01 | 321 | 0.012 | 347 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.134 | 304 |
0.01 | 347 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.156 | 304 |
0.012 | 304 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.032 | 304 | 7/16 O.D. | |
0.012 | 316 | 0.016 | 321 | 3/16 O.D. | 0.035 | 321 | 0.058 | 316 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.032 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | |
0.012 | 321 | 0.02 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 1/4 O.D. | 0.058 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.01 | 304 | |
0.014 | 347 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.01 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.012 | 304 |
0.016 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.01 | 316 | 0.01 | 304 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.016 | 304 |
0.016 | 316 | 0.02 | 347 | 0.01 | 321 | 0.01 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.035 | 317L | 0.02 | 304 |
0.016 | 321 | 0.022 | 304 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.012 | 304 | 0.065 | 317L | 0.049 | 347 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.02 | 316 |
0.02 | 304 | 0.025 | 304 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.02 | 321 |
0.02 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.058 | 321 | 0.042 | 304 | 0.02 | 347 |
0.02 | 321 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 |
0.028 | 304 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.016 | 347 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.028 | 316 |
0.028 | 316 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.028 | 321 |
3/32 O.D. | 0.032 | 304 | 0.02 | 347 | 0.02 | 310 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.049 | 317L | 0.028 | 347 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.032 | 316 | 0.022 | 304 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.035 | 304 |
0.006 | 304 | 0.032 | 321 | 0.022 | 316 | 0.02 | 317L | 0.095 | 321 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.035 | 316 |
0.01 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 9/32 O.D. | 0.095 | 304 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | |
0.01 | 316 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.02 | 347 | WALL | TYPE | 0.095 | 316 | 0.058 | 316 | 0.035 | 347 |
0.01 | 321 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.022 | 304 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.058 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 |
0.012 | 304 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.022 | 316 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 |
0.016 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.032 | 304 | 0.022 | 321 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.049 | 321 |
0.016 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 11/32 O.D. | 0.065 | 316 | 0.049 | 347 | |
0.016 | 321 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.028 | 310 | 5/16 O.D. | WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 317L | 0.058 | 304 | |
0.02 | 304 | 5/32 O.D. | 0.035 | 316 | 0.028 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.028 | 347 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.058 | 321 | |
0.02 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.035 | 321 | 0.028 | 317L | 0.01 | 304 | 3/8 O.D. | 0.065 | 347 | 0.065 | 304 | |
0.02 | 321 | 0.01 | 304 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.01 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.083 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 |
0.028 | 304 | 0.01 | 316 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.01 | 321 | 0.01 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 |
0.028 | 316 | 0.012 | 321 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.032 | 304 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.01 | 316 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 |
0.028 | 321 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.032 | 316 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.012 | 304 | 0.083 | 347 | 0.083 | 316 |
0.035 | 304 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.083 | 347 |
1/8 O.D. | 0.016 | 321 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.016 | 316 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.02 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.095 | 316 |
0.006 | 304 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.035 | 317L | 0.02 | 321 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.095 | 347 | 0.095 | 321 |
0.01 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.02 | 347 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.01 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 |
7/16 O.D. | 1/2 O.D. | 5/8 O.D. | 3/4 O.D. | 3/16 O.D. | 1 O.D. | 1 O.D. | 1-3/16 O.D. | ||||||||
0.12 | 321 | 0.156 | 316 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 |
1/2 O.D. | 0.156 | 321 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.049 | 317L | 7/8 O.D. | 0.02 | 321 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | ||
WALL | TYPE | 0.188 | 304 | 0.065 | 317L | 0.049 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.02 | 347 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.095 | 304 |
0.01 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.01 | 321 | 9/16 O.D. | 0.065 | 347 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | |
0.016 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.083 | 304 | 0.058 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 |
0.016 | 316 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.083 | 310 | 0.058 | 321 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.375 | 316 | 1-1/4 O.D. | |
0.016 | 321 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 1-1/16 O.D. | WALL | TYPE | |
0.02 | 304 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.083 | 317L | 0.065 | 309S | 0.035 | 316 | 0.035 | 310 | WALL | TYPE | 0.02 | 304 |
0.02 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.02 | 316 |
0.02 | 321 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.083 | 347 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 |
0.02 | 347 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.065 | 317L | 0.049 | 304 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.02 | 347 |
0.028 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 |
0.028 | 310 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.049 | 309 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.028 | 316 |
0.028 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.065 | 410 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.028 | 321 |
0.028 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.065 | 2205 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.028 | 347 |
0.028 | 347 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.049 | 317L | 0.095 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 |
0.035 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.083 | 310 | 0.058 | 321 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.035 | 316 |
0.035 | 310 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 |
0.035 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.083 | 317L | 0.065 | 310 | 0.058 | 304 | 1-1/8 O.D. | 0.035 | 347 | |
0.035 | 317L | 0.065 | 321 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.058 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.049 | 304 |
0.035 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.083 | 347 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.049 | 310 |
0.035 | 347 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.083 | 410 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.065 | 309 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.049 | 316 |
0.042 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.083 | 2205 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 |
0.049 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.049 | 347 |
0.049 | 310 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.065 | 317L | 0.035 | 304 | 0.058 | 304 |
0.049 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 |
0.049 | 317L | 0.125 | 304 | 11/16 O.D. | 0.095 | 347 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.065 | 310 | |
0.049 | 321 | 0.125 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.109 | 304 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.065 | 316 |
0.049 | 347 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.083 | 310 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.065 | 317L |
0.058 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.109 | 321 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 |
0.058 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.083 | 317L | 0.049 | 321 | 0.065 | 347 |
0.058 | 321 | 5/8 O.D. | 0.035 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 | 0.12 | 310 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.083 | 304 | |
0.065 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.035 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.083 | 347 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 |
0.065 | 310 | 0.01 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.083 | 410 | 0.058 | 321 | 0.083 | 321 |
0.065 | 316 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.12 | 347 | 0.12 | 347 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 |
0.065 | 317L | 0.016 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.095 | 316 |
0.065 | 321 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.095 | 317L | 0.065 | 321 | 0.095 | 321 |
0.065 | 347 | 0.02 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.125 | 321 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 |
0.083 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.156 | 316 | 0.095 | 347 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.109 | 316 |
0.083 | 310 | 0.02 | 347 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.156 | 321 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.109 | 321 |
0.083 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.134 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.109 | 310 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.083 | 317L | 0.028 | 316 | 3/4 O.D. | 0.156 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 | |
0.083 | 321 | 0.028 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.156 | 316 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.109 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 |
0.083 | 347 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.01 | 304 | 0.156 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.109 | 347 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.12 | 321 |
0.095 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.109 | 410 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.12 | 347 |
0.095 | 316 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 |
0.095 | 321 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 15/16 O.D. | 0.12 | 310 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 | |
0.095 | 347 | 0.035 | 317L | 0.02 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.12 | 316 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.125 | 321 |
0.109 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.12 | 317L | 0.156 | 316 | 0.134 | 304 |
0.109 | 316 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.02 | 347 | 13/16 O.D. | 0.035 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | |
0.12 | 304 | 0.042 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.035 | 321 | 0.12 | 347 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.156 | 304 |
0.12 | 310 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.028 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.156 | 316 |
0.12 | 316 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.156 | 321 |
0.12 | 321 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.125 | 321 | 0.25 | 306 | 0.188 | 304 |
0.12 | 347 | 0.049 | 317L | 0.035 | 304 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 |
0.125 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | 1-3/16 O.D. | 0.188 | 321 | |
0.125 | 316 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.049 | 304 | 1 O.D. | 0.156 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.25 | 304 | |
0.125 | 347 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.035 | 317L | 0.049 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.156 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 |
0.134 | 304 | 0.058 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.016 | 304 | 0.156 | 321 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.25 | 321 |
0.134 | 316 | 0.058 | 321 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.016 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 |
0.134 | 347 | 0.058 | 347 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.016 | 347 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.313 | 316 |
0.156 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 |
1-1/4 O.D. | 1-1/2 O.D. | 1-5/8 O.D. | 1-3/4 O.D. | 2 O.D. | 2-1/8 O.D. | 2-1/4 O.D. | 2-1/2 O.D. | ||||||||
0.375 | 316 | 0.035 | 310 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.025 | 321 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 |
0.375 | 321 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.065 | 347 |
0.5 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.049 | 317L | 0.035 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 |
1-15/16 O.D. | 0.035 | 347 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.083 | 310 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.049 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 |
0.035 | 304 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 |
0.049 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.065 | 309 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 |
0.065 | 304 | 0.049 | 317L | 0.065 | 310 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 |
0.065 | 316 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.095 | 321 |
0.083 | 304 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.065 | 317L | 0.083 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.109 | 304 |
0.095 | 304 | 0.058 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.109 | 316 |
0.12 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.156 | 304 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 |
0.188 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.083 | 310 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 |
0.25 | 304 | 0.065 | 317L | 0.109 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.12 | 321 |
1-3/8 O.D. | 0.065 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.083 | 317L | 0.12 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 347 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.313 | 321 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 |
0.02 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 |
0.028 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.095 | 310 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.134 | 316 |
0.028 | 321 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 2-3/8 O.D. | 0.156 | 304 | |
0.035 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.188 | 304 |
0.035 | 316 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.188 | 309 |
0.035 | 321 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.188 | 316 |
0.035 | 347 | 0.095 | 347 | 0.25 | 304 | 1-7/8 O.D. | 0.12 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | |
0.049 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.12 | 310 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 |
0.049 | 316 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.25 | 310 |
0.049 | 321 | 0.109 | 321 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 |
0.049 | 347 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.25 | 321 |
0.065 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.375 | 347 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 |
0.065 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.125 | 321 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.313 | 316 |
0.065 | 321 | 0.12 | 317L | 0.438 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.313 | 321 |
0.083 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 |
0.083 | 316 | 0.12 | 347 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.134 | 321 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.375 | 310 |
0.095 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 |
0.095 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 | 1-11/16 O.D. | 0.095 | 304 | 0.156 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | |
0.109 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.095 | 316 | 0.156 | 321 | 2-1/4 O.D. | 0.188 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | |
0.12 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.165 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.188 | 316 | 0.5 | 310 |
0.12 | 316 | 0.134 | 321 | 1-3/4 O.D. | 0.12 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.5 | 316 | |
0.125 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.125 | 304 | 0.188 | 310 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 321 |
0.134 | 304 | 0.156 | 316 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.5 | 410 |
0.156 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 |
0.188 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 |
0.188 | 316 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.25 | 310 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 |
0.188 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 |
0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 |
0.25 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.25 | 347 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.375 | 321 | 2-5/8 O.D. | |
0.25 | 321 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.438 | 316 | WALL | TYPE |
0.313 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 |
0.313 | 316 | 0.313 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.313 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 |
0.375 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.049 | 310 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 2-1/2 O.D. | 0.049 | 304 | |
1 7/16 O.D. | 0.375 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.049 | 321 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.375 | 321 | 0.049 | 321 | 2 O.D. | 0.375 | 321 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | |
0.02 | 304 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.438 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 |
0.065 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.02 | 304 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 |
1-1/2 O.D. | 0.5 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.02 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | |
WALL | TYPE | 1-9/16 O.D. | 0.065 | 321 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.5 | 310 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.095 | 304 | |
0.016 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.083 | 304 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.02 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.028 | 347 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 |
0.02 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.5 | 347 | 0.125 | 310 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.12 | 321 |
0.02 | 321 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.12 | 347 |
0.028 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 |
0.028 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.035 | 347 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.188 | 304 |
0.035 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 |
2-5/8 O.D. | 2-7/8 O.D. | 3 O.D. | 3-1/4 O.D. | 3-1/2 O.D. | 3-3/4 O.D. | 4 O.D. | 4-1/2 O.D. | ||||||||
0.188 | 321 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 |
0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.25 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 321 | 3-7/8 O.D. | 1.25 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | |
0.313 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.5 | 347 | WALL | TYPE | 1.25 | 316 | 0.12 | 321 |
0.313 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.625 | 321 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 |
0.375 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 1.5 | 316 | 0.156 | 304 |
0.375 | 316 | 3 O.D. | 0.75 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 4 O.D. | 4-1/8 O.D. | 0.188 | 304 | |||
0.375 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.75 | 321 | 0.625 | 321 | 0.75 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | WALL | TYPE | 0.188 | 316 |
0.438 | 304 | 0.028 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.75 | 321 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 |
0.438 | 316 | 0.028 | 321 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.035 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 |
0.5 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.75 | 321 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 |
0.5 | 316 | 0.035 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 4-1/4 O.D. | 0.25 | 321 | |
0.5 | 321 | 0.035 | 321 | 3-1/8 O.D. | 0.875 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.049 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.313 | 304 | |
0.625 | 304 | 0.035 | 347 | WALL | TYPE | 1 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 |
2-3/4 O.D. | 0.049 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 3-5/8 O.D. | 0.065 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | ||
WALL | TYPE | 0.049 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 3-3/8 O.D. | WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | |
0.035 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.065 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 304 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 |
0.035 | 321 | 0.049 | 347 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 |
0.049 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.5 | 321 |
0.049 | 321 | 0.065 | 310 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 |
0.065 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.625 | 316 |
0.065 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.625 | 321 |
0.065 | 321 | 0.065 | 347 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 |
0.083 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 |
0.083 | 316 | 0.083 | 310 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.156 | 316 | 0.75 | 321 |
0.083 | 321 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 |
0.095 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.875 | 316 |
0.109 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.188 | 321 | 1 | 304 |
0.12 | 304 | 0.095 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 3-3/4 O.D. | 0.12 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 1 | 316 | |
0.12 | 316 | 0.095 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.12 | 347 | 0.25 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 |
0.12 | 321 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 3-1/2 O.D. | 0.049 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 1.25 | 316 | |
0.125 | 304 | 0.109 | 316 | 0.438 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 304 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 |
0.125 | 316 | 0.109 | 321 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 1.5 | 316 |
0.134 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 4-5/8 O.D. | |
0.188 | 304 | 0.12 | 309 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | WALL | TYPE |
0.188 | 316 | 0.12 | 310 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 |
0.188 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.049 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.188 | 310 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 |
0.25 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 |
0.25 | 316 | 0.12 | 347 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 4-3/4 O.D. | |
0.25 | 321 | 0.125 | 304 | 3-1/4 O.D. | 0.065 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | |
0.313 | 304 | 0.125 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.083 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 |
0.375 | 304 | 0.125 | 321 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.5 | 347 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.375 | 316 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.083 | 321 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 |
0.375 | 321 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 |
0.5 | 304 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.688 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 |
0.5 | 316 | 0.156 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 |
0.5 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 |
0.625 | 304 | 0.188 | 310 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 |
0.625 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 |
0.75 | 304 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.156 | 304 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.5 | 310 | 1 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 |
0.75 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.12 | 321 | 0.156 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 |
0.875 | 304 | 0.25 | 310 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 4-3/8 O.D. | 0.375 | 316 | |
1 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.5 | 347 | WALL | TYPE | 0.375 | 321 |
2-7/8 O.D. | 0.25 | 321 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 347 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.313 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.25 | 310 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 |
0.065 | 304 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.188 | 321 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.625 | 321 | 4-1/2 O.D. | 0.5 | 321 | |
0.065 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.625 | 321 | 0.688 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.5 | 347 |
0.083 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.675 | 321 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.035 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 |
0.12 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 |
0.12 | 316 | 0.438 | 304 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.75 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.625 | 321 |
0.188 | 304 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.75 | 321 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 |
0.188 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.75 | 316 |
0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 310 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.438 | 316 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.875 | 321 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 |
4-3/4 O.D. | 5-1/4 O.D. | 5-3/4 O.D. | 6 O.D. | 6-3/4 O.D. | 7-1/2 O.D. | 8 O.D. | 9 O.D. | ||||||||
0.875 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 1.25 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 1 | 321 | 1 | 304 |
0.875 | 321 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 | 1 | 316 |
1 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 1.5 | 316 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 1.25 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 |
1 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 1.75 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 1.25 | 316 |
1.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 2 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 1.5 | 316 | 1.5 | 304 |
5 O.D. | 0.313 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 2 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 1.75 | 304 | 1.5 | 316 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.375 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 6-1/4 O.D. | 7 O.D. | 0.75 | 316 | 2 | 304 | 2 | 304 | ||
0.035 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | WALL | TYPE | 0.875 | 304 | 2 | 316 | 2 | 316 |
0.035 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.875 | 316 | 8-1/4 O.D. | 9-1/4 O.D. | ||
0.049 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 1 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | WALL | TYPE |
0.049 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 |
0.049 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 |
0.065 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 | 1.25 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 |
0.065 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 6 O.D. | 0.25 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | |
0.065 | 321 | 0.75 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.375 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 1.5 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 |
0.083 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.125 | 304 | 2 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 9-1/2 O.D. | |
0.083 | 316 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 2 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | WALL | TYPE |
0.095 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.049 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 7-3/4 O.D. | 0.75 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | |
0.109 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 1 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 |
0.109 | 316 | 1.125 | 316 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 8-1/2 O.D. | 0.375 | 304 | |
0.12 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.065 | 321 | 0.688 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.375 | 316 |
0.12 | 316 | 5-3/8 O.D. | 0.083 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | |
0.12 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.083 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 |
0.125 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 |
0.125 | 316 | 5-1/2 O.D. | 0.109 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | |
0.134 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.109 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 |
0.134 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | 8 O.D. | 0.5 | 316 | 1 | 304 | |
0.156 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.12 | 309 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.625 | 304 | 1 | 316 |
0.188 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.12 | 310 | 1.5 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.035 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 |
0.188 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 6-1/2 O.D. | 0.75 | 316 | 0.049 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 1.25 | 316 | |
0.188 | 321 | 0.12 | 316 | 0.12 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 0.75 | 321 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 1.5 | 304 |
0.25 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 2 | 304 |
0.25 | 310 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.125 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.083 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 9-3/4 O.D. | |
0.25 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.134 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 | 1 | 316 | WALL | TYPE |
0.25 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 1.25 | 316 | 0.095 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 |
0.313 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 | 1.25 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 |
0.313 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 1.5 | 316 | 0.109 | 316 | 1.25 | 347 | 0.75 | 304 |
0.375 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 2 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 1 | 304 |
0.375 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 2 | 316 | 0.12 | 316 | 1.5 | 316 | 1 | 316 |
0.375 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 7-1/4 O.D. | 0.125 | 304 | 2 | 304 | 10 O.D. | ||
0.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.313 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.125 | 316 | 2 | 316 | WALL | TYPE |
0.5 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.313 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | 8-3/4 O.D. | 0.049 | 304 | |
0.5 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.134 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.065 | 304 |
0.5 | 410 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.065 | 316 |
0.625 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 |
0.625 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.083 | 316 |
0.625 | 321 | 0.75 | 321 | 0.5 | 310 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.25 | 316 | 1 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 |
0.75 | 304 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 9 O.D. | 0.109 | 304 | |
0.75 | 316 | 0.875 | 316 | 0.5 | 321 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.109 | 316 |
0.75 | 321 | 0.875 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 1.25 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.875 | 316 | 1 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.375 | 321 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 |
1 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.625 | 321 | 1.5 | 316 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 |
1 | 316 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 2 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 |
1 | 321 | 1.25 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 6-3/4 O.D. | 1.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | |
1.125 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.75 | 321 | WALL | TYPE | 7-1/2 O.D. | 0.625 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.188 | 304 | |
1.25 | 304 | 1.5 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.625 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.188 | 316 |
1.25 | 316 | 5-3/4 O.D. | 0.875 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.625 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | |
1.5 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.875 | 321 | 0.375 | 316 | 0.12 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 |
1.5 | 316 | 0.065 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.25 | 321 |
5-1/4 O.D. | 0.12 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.75 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | |
WALL | TYPE | 0.125 | 304 | 1 | 321 | 0.625 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.875 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.375 | 316 |
0.12 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 1.125 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 |
0.12 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 |
10 O.D. | 10-1/4 O.D. | 0.5 | 316 | 0.5 | 316 | 1 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 2 | 316 | 2 | 304 | ||
WALL | TYPE | WALL | TYPE | 0.75 | 304 | 0.5 | 321 | 1 | 316 | 0.188 | 316 | 12-1/4 O.D. | 14 O.D. | ||
0.5 | 321 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 11-3/4 O.D. | 0.25 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | WALL | TYPE | |
0.625 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 0.25 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.109 | 304 |
0.625 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.25 | 321 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.12 | 304 |
0.75 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 1.5 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 12 O.D. | 0.375 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.134 | 304 | |
0.75 | 316 | 0.625 | 304 | 1.5 | 316 | 1 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 0.375 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 |
0.875 | 304 | 0.625 | 316 | 2 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 0.065 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 |
1 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 10-3/4 O.D. | 1.5 | 304 | 0.083 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 13 O.D. | 0.75 | 304 | ||
1 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | 2 | 304 | 0.095 | 304 | 0.625 | 304 | WALL | TYPE | 1 | 304 |
1.25 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 2 | 316 | 0.109 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 1 | 316 |
1.25 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 11-1/2 O.D. | 0.109 | 316 | 0.75 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 | 1.5 | 304 | |
1.5 | 304 | 10-1/2 O.D. | 11 O.D. | WALL | TYPE | 0.12 | 304 | 1 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 2 | 304 | ||
1.5 | 316 | WALL | TYPE | WALL | TYPE | 0.25 | 304 | 0.12 | 316 | 1 | 316 | 0.75 | 304 | 15 O.D. | |
1.75 | 304 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.188 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.125 | 304 | 1.25 | 304 | 1 | 304 | WALL | TYPE |
2 | 304 | 0.25 | 316 | 0.25 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.125 | 316 | 1.5 | 304 | 1 | 316 | 0.5 | 304 |
2 | 316 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.375 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 | 0.134 | 304 | 1.5 | 316 | 1.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 316 |
2.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.5 | 304 | 0.75 | 304 | 0.134 | 316 | 2 | 304 | 1.5 | 316 | 1 | 304 |
Stainless Steel Tube & Pipe Specifications :
ASTM A 213 ASME SA 213 | Seamless Ferritic Stainless Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes. | Pressure tubes, made from 16 grades of austenitic stainless steel and from 12 grades of ferritic Cr-Mo Alloy Steel. |
ASTM A 249 ASME SA 249 | Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes. | Pressure tubes, made from austenitic stainless steels, (Types 304, 304H, 304L, 305, 309, 310,316, 316H, 316L, 317, 321, 321H, 347, 347H, 348, 348H, and XM grades.) |
ASTM A 268 ASME SA 268 | Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stain-less Steel Tubing for General Service. | 15 grades of ferritic stainless steel tubing for general corrosion resistance and high temperature service. (Types 329, 405, 409, 410, 429, 430, 430Ti, 443, 446, XMs & others). |
ASTM A 269 | Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service. | 13 grades of austenitic stainless,steel tubing for general corrosion- resisting and high-temperature service. (Types 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 317, 321,347, 348 and XM grades). |
ASTM A 270 | Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary Tubing. | Austenitic stainless steel intended for usein the diary and food industry in sizes up”to andincluding 4 in. in outside diameter. |
ASTM A312 ASME SA 312 | Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe. | Austenitic stainless steel pipe intended for high temperature and general corrosive service.22 grades are covered. |
ASTM A 358 ASME SA 358 | Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Altoel for High-Temperature | For corrosion and high temperature service, normally not less than 8 in. nominal diameter. Types 304, 316, 309, 310, 321, 321, 347, 304L; 316L, 304H, 316H. |
ASTM A 376 ASME SA 376 | Seamless Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for High-Temp Central-Station Service. | Austenitic stainless steel pipe intended for high temperature and general corrosive service. Better surface than A312 pipe. |
ASTM A 409 ASME SA 409 | Welded Large Outside Diameter Light- Wall Austenitic Chromium-Nickel .Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High-Temperature Service. | Nominal diameter 14-30 in. in Schedules SS and 105. Types 304, 309, 310, 316, 317, 321, 347, 348, 304L, 316L. |
ASTM A 450 ASME SA 450 | General Requirements for Alloy Steel Tubes. | Common requirements for ASTM tubular specifications. |
ASTM A 511 | Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing. | 27 grades are covered for mechanical applications. Primarily round tubing. |
ASTM A 530 ASME SA 530 | General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Pipe. | Common requirements for ASTM pipe specifications as listed. |
ASTM A 554 | Welded Stainless Steel MechanicalTubing. | Nineteen grades are covered for mechanical applications. Rounds, squares, rectangles, and special shapes are included. |
ASTM A 632 | Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service. Small Diameter. | 9 grades of austenitic stainless steel tubing for general corrosion-resisting and high-temperature service. |
AMS 556 | Steel Tubing, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18 Cr; 11 Ni; (Cb + Ta) (SAE 30347) Hydraulic. | Annealed type 347 hydraulic Iin6 tubing. Type 1—Seamless Type 2—Welded & Drawn |
AMS 5557 | Steel Tubing, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18 Cr; 11 Ni; Ti (SAE30321) Hydraulic. | Annealed type 347 hydraulic line tubing. Type 1—Seamless Type 2—Welded & Drawn |
AMS 5558 | Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18 Cr; 11 Ni, (Cb + Ta) (SAE 30348) Thin Wall. | High pressure ducting, wall thickness or less. Weld bEAD controlled, X-ray. |
AMS 5559 | Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18 Cr, 10 Ni, Ti, (SAE 30321) Thin Wall. | High pressure ducting, wall thickness or less. Weld bead controlled, X-ray. |
AMS 5560 | Steel Tubing, Seamless CorrosionResistant 19 Cr; 9 Ni (SAE 30304). | Annealed type 304 aircraft hydraulic line tubing. (Not subject to high pressure). Structural. |
AMS 5561 | Steel Tubing, Welded and DrawnHigh Pressure Hydraulic. | For parts and assemblies such as fluid lines subject to high pressure and requiring corrosion |
AMS 5562 | Steel Tubing, Seamless Corrosion Resistant 21 Cr; 6 Ni; 9 Mn Annealed. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance, and having higher strength than 18-8 types. |
AMS 5565 | Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion Resistant 19 Cr; 9 Ni (SAE 30304). | Annealed type 304 aircraft hydraulic line tubing. (Not subject to high pressure). Structural. |
AMS 5566 | Steel Tubing, Seamless or Welded Corrosion Resistant 19 Cr; 10 Ni (SAE 30304) High Pressure Hydraulic. | Cold drawn type 304, high pressure, aircraftType 1 SeamlessType 2—Welded Drawn |
AMS 5567 | Steel Tubing, Seamless or Welded Corrosion Resistant 19 Cr; 10 Ni (SAE 30304) Hydraulic, Solution Treated. | Fluid lines subject to medium high pressures requiring corrosion resistance. Annealed.(1) Seamless (2) Welded & Drawn |
AMS 5570 | Steel Tubing, Seamless Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18 Cr; 10 Ni; Ti tSAE 30321). Annealed Structural. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance especially when such partsare welded during fabrication. Requiring oxidation resistance up to approximately 1500°F., but useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
AMS 5571 | Steel Tubing, Seamless Corrosion andHeai Resistant 18 Cr; 11 Ni; (Cb + Ta)‹SAE 30347). Annealed Structural. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance especially when such parts are welded during fabrication. Requiring oxidation resistance up to approximately 1500°F., but useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
AMS 5572 | Steel Tubing, Seamless Corrosion and Heat Resistant 25 Cr; 20 Ni (SAE 30310). Annealed Structural. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance especially when welded during fabrication. Requiring oxidation resistance up to approximately 2000°F., but useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
AMS 5573 | Seamless Type 316 Annealed Structural. | Parts & assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance up to 1600ºF. |
AMS 5574 | Seamless Type 309S Annealed Structural. | Parts & assemblies requiring both cofrosion and heat resistance up to 2000°F., especially welded assemblies. |
AMS 5575 | Steel Tubing, Seamless Corrosion and Heat Resistant 16 Cr; 11 Ni; (Cb + Ta) (SAE 30347). Annealed Structural. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance espec[ially when such parts are welded during fabrication. Requiring oxidation resistance up to approximately 1500ºF., but useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
AMS 5576 | Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18 Cr; 10 Ni; Ti (SAE 30321). Annealed Structural. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance especially when such parts are welded during fabrication. Requiring oxidation resistance up to approximately 1500°F., but useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
A EBS 5577 | Steel Tubing, Welded, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 25 Cr; 20 Ni; (SAE 30310). Annealed Structural. | Parts and assemblies requiring both corrosion and heat resistance especially when welded during fabrication. Requiring oxidation resistance up to approximately 2000°F., but useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
AMS 5639 | Seamless Type 304 | Cold Finished Mechanical Tube Rockwell 90B max Hardness Corrosion Embrittlement Capability |
AMS 5645 | Seamless Type 321 | Cold Finished Mechanical Tube Rockwell 90B max Hardness Corrosion Embrittlement Capability |
AMS 5646 | Seamless Type 347 | Cold Finished Mechanical Tube Rockwell 90B max Hardness Corrosion Embrittlement Capability |
AMS 5647 | Seamless Type 304L | Cold Finished Mechanical Tube Rockwell 90B maxHardness Corrosion Embrittlement Capability |
AMS 5648 | Seamless Type 316 | Cold Finished Mechanical Tube Rockwell 90B max Hardness |
MIL-T-5695 | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion Resistant(304),Cold Drawn (1/2 or 1/4 hard Smls or W & D. | Intended for use in fabrication of aircraft structural part requiring a high fegree of resisitance to corrosion. |
MIL-T-6737 (T 321) | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (18-8 Stabilized), Welded. Annealed. | Type 321 and 347 tubing intended use in the manufacture of exhaust stacks, manifolds, blast tubes, ring collector and similar applications where a weldable corrosion and heat resisting steel is required or for use at 800º – 1500°F. |
MIL-T-6845 (T 304) | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion Resistant 304) Aerospace Vehicle Hydraulic ³/ Hard, Seamless, Weldsd Drawn. | Intended for use in high pressdre hydraulic and pneumatic systems in which corrosion resistant materials are required. The tubing is not suitable for use in applications assembled by weldin or brazing or exposed to temperatures higher 800°F., because of impaired resistance to corrosion, where subsequent anneal not possible. |
MIL-T-8504 (T 304) | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion Resistant 18-8) Annealed, Aircraft Hydraulic Seamless, Welded. | Intended for use in high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic systems in which corrosion resistant materials are required. This tubing is of lower strength and higher ductility than tubin Speci- fication MIL-T-6845. May be used to MIL-T-6845 tubing but heavier wall thicknesses must be used. Same qualifications regarding welding, brazing & temperature. |
MIL-T-8506 (T 304) | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion Resistant (304) Annealed. Seamless, Welded. | Intended for use in the fabrication of aircraft parts requiring a high degree of resistance to corrosion. Not to be used in high pressure hydraulic control systems. |
MIL-T-8606 (T 304L) (T 321) (T 347) | Tubin , steel, Corrosion Resistant 18-8 Annealed. Welded & Drawn. | Intended for use in applications which require a high degree of resistance to corrosion or to temperatures in the range of 800°F.—1500°F., or in applications which involve welding. Suitable for use In tank-automotive equipment for hydraulic and mechanical applications. |
MIL-T-8808 (T 321) (T 347) | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion Resistant (18-8 Stabilized), Aircraft Hydraulic Quality. Annealed. Seamless, Welded & Drawn. | Intended for use in high hydraulic and pneumatic systems where and heat resistance are required and in which welding or brazing may be involved during fabrication. Resists oxidation at temperatures to 1200°F., but is useful at that temperature only when stresses are low. |
MIL-T-8973 (T304L) (T 316L) (T 321) (T 347) | Tubing, Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Aerospace Vehicle Hydraulic System. ³/ Hard. Seamless, Welded & Drawn. | Intended for use in high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic systems corrosion and heat resistance are required and in which welding or brazing may be involved during fabrication. Suitable for use in temperatures to 1200°F., when stresses are low. |
MIL-P•1144 (T 304) (T 304L) (T 316) (T 316L) (T-321) (T 347) | Pipe, Stainless Steel, (Corrosion Resisting). Seamless or Welded. Annealed. | Pipe is intended for high-temperature and hy- draulic or other pressure service under general corrosive conditions. |
Stainless Steel Tube Data
Chemical Composition
C | Mn | P | S | SI | - CR | NI | OTHER | ||
304 | 0.08 max | 2 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.075 max | 18.00 20.00 | 8.00 11.00 | - | General purpose “300″ series grade for tubing applications. |
304L | 0.035 max | 2 .00 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 18.00 20.00 | 8.00 13.00 | - | Low carbon type 304 where greater resistance to carbide precipitation is desired. |
304H | 0.04 0.1 | 2 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 18.00 20 | 8.00 11 | - | Carbon modified for improved high temperature strength. |
310 | 0.15 max | 2 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 24.00 26 | 19.00 22 | - | High resistance to scaling and oxida-tion up to 2000°F. |
316 | 008 max | 2.00 max | 0.040 max | 0.030 max | 0.75 max | 16.00 18.00 | 11.00 4.00 | Mo2.00- 3.00 | Better corrosion resistance than type 304 in reducing media. Good hi-temp strength. |
316L | 0.035 max | 2 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 16.00 18 | 10.00 15 | Mo 2.00 3.00 | Low carbon type 316 where greater resistance to carbide precipitation is desired. |
316H | 0_04 0.10 | I 2.00 max | 0040 max | 0.030 max | 0.75 max | 16.00 18.00 | 11.00 14.00 | Mo2.00-3.00 | Carbon modified for improved temperature strength. |
317 | 0.08 Max | 2 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 18.00 20 | 11.00 14 | Mo 3.00 4.00 | Similar to type 316 but with better corrosion resistance and creep strength. |
321 | 0.48 max | 203 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 17.00 20 | 9.00 13 | Ti 5XC-0.60 | Titanium stabilized against carbide precipitation. Similar properties to type 304. |
347 | 0.08 max | 200 max | 0.04 max | 0.03 max | 0.75 max | 17.00 20 | 7.00 13 | Cb + Ta 10XC-1.00 | Columbium and tantalum stabilized against carbide precipitation. |
21-6-9 | 0.04 max | 8.00 max | 60 max | 0.03 max | 1 max | 19.00 21.5 | 5.50 7.5 | N 0.15 0.40 | High strength-to-weight ratio. Good corrosion resistance. |
416 | 0.15 Max | 1.25 max | 0.066 max | 0.15 max | 1.00 max | 12.00 14.00 | — | – | Hardenable by heat treatment. Free machining. Moderate corrosion resistance. |
304, | Annealed I 1/8 Hard | 85000 105000 | 35000 75000 | 55 20 | RB80 RB95 |
304L | Annealed 1/8 Hard | 80000 105000 | 30000 75000 | 55 20 | RB75 RB95 |
304H | Annealed | 85,000 | 35,000 | 55 | RB80 |
310 | Annealed | 95,000 | 45,000 | 45 | RB85 |
316 316L 316H | Annealed Annealed Annealed | 85000 80000 85000 | 35000 30000 35000 | 50 50 50 | RB80 RB75 RB80 |
317 | Annealed | 90,000 | 40,000 | 45 | RB85 |
321 | Annealed 1/8 Hard | 90,000 105000 | 35000 75000 | 55 20 | RB80 RB95 |
347 | Annealed | 95,000 | 40,000 | 50 | RB85 |
21-6-9 | Annealed 1/8 Hard | 100000 142000 | 60000 120000 | 45 20 | RB9,0 RC30. |
416 | Annealed | 75,000 | 35,000 | 20 | RB95 |
The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described here in are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either expressions or implied , of fitness for these or other purposes.
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Stainless Steel Pipes Tube Price List
Stainless Steel Price in India
- Stainless Steel 304 Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 304L Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 304H Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 310/310S Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 310H Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 316 Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 316L Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 316H Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 316Ti Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 317/317L Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 321/321H Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price) - Stainless Steel 347/347H Welded U Tubes Price in India
US $2-10 / Kilogram (Per Kg Price) / US $1950-6500 / Ton (Per Ton Price)
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We have Exported Steel Pipe Tube / Tubing to over 60 countries including India, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Qatar, USA, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, UK, Bangladesh, Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Italy, Iran, Vietnam, Poland, Egypt, Canada, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia, Nigeria, France, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ukraine, Oman, Switzerland, South Africa, Romania, Colombia, Iraq, Australia, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Norway, Paraguay, Azerbaijan, Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Hong Kong, Philippines, Tunisia, Bahrain, Serbia, Belarus
Looking for ASTM A 632 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing Small Diameter Suppliers in India, Leading Pipe, Stainless Steel, (Corrosion Resisting). Seamless or Welded. Annealed Distributors in India, Largest ASTM A213, A312 SS TP Tubing, Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Dealers in India, Top Quality Seamless Type 304L , Seamless Type 321, Seamless Type 316, Seamless Type 304, Seamless Type 347, Stockholder in India, Reliable Exporter of Seamless Type 316 Annealed Structural in India
The Definitive Source for Stainless Steel Tube, Ready Inventory to Meet Exacting Specifications, SEAMLESS MIL-T 8808 TYPE 321 STAINLESS STEEL TUBE DFAR COMPLIANT, Seamless Stainless Steel Tube and Welded Stainless Steel Tube, Types : 304, 304H, 304L, 309, 310, 316, 317L, 321, 321H, 347, 347H, 410, 440C, 446, 2205 Duplex, SPECIFICATIONS: ASTM A213,ASME SA213,ASTM A249,ASME SA249,ASTM, A268,ASTM A269,ASTM A511,AMS 5566,AMS 5570,AMS 5571,AMS 5576, AMS 5639,AMS 5645, MIL-T-6845,MIL-T-8504, MIL-T-8808
ASTM A 213 ASME SA 213 Seamless Ferritic Stainless Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes., ASTM A 249 ASME SA 249 Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes. , ASTM A 269 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service., ASTM A312 ASME SA 312 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe.
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