Looking for Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Di Pipe Suppliers in India, Leading K7 / K9 Di Pipe Distributors in India, Largest Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Dealers in India, Top Quality Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Stockholder in India, Reliable Exporter of K7 / K9 Di Pipe in India
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Price List, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Overview, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Range, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Application, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Internal Protection System, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Jointing Systems (installation), Properties of Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Stacking & Loading, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Technical Details, Flange For Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), Jindal Ductile Iron pipe, ductile iron pipe specifications, ductile iron pipe installation, ductile iron pipe dimensions, ductile iron pipe advantages and disadvantages, ductile iron pipe manufacturers, what is ductile iron pipe, ductile iron pipe weight
Are Looking for Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) in India, We can offer a comprehensive range of K7 / K9 Di Pipe. Carrying extensive inventories of K7 / K9 Di Pipe in India, Click here if you want to buy Pipes or want to learn about Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), Reliable Exporter of Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) in India
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Price List
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Overview
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Range
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Advantages
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Application
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Internal Protection System
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Jointing Systems (installation)
- Properties of Ductile Iron Pipe
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Stacking & Loading
- Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Technical Details
- Flange For Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe)
- Jindal Ductile Iron pipe
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Price List
US $600-900 / Ton, US $10-13 / Meter, US $100-2000 / Piece, US $1.0 / Kilogram
With nearly 30 years of experience in stockholding of Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) & Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes, Citizen Metals has become 6th largest Supplier & Stockist of Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), SS seamless Welded Tubes & Stainless steel Welded Pipes / Tubes, we built up a strong skill set which we implement on a day to day basis for the benefit of our customers. Our substantial product range encompassing Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), SS Mechanical tubes, SS Weldeded Tubing, SS Instrumentation Tubes, SS EP Coated Pipe & tube, We are also Authorised dealer & distributor of Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), Stainless steel hydraulic Tubes, Citizen Metals is specialist in Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), seamless ss tubing for the offshore and renewable sectors, combined with our in-house logistics and processing provide the solid foundations to our renowned service. Enabling us to deliver on this is our experienced sales team with their strong product knowledge and our global network to procure raw material enable us to Provide best pricing of Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), SS Welded Tubes.check our price list of Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), welded & seamless SS Welded Tubes and compare our SS Welded Tube price with any Genuine manufacturer of SS Welded Tubes in China , our sales agents are always on hand to assist in the challenges you face to installation of Stainless steel Welded Tubes & suitable grade of stainless steel. We welcome the opportunity to discuss any requirements you may have regarding Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe), stainless steel Welded Tube & SS mechanical Tubes.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for just call one of our team members at +91-22-61905600 to 699 (100 Lines). No inquiry is too large or too small, we specialize in locating hard to find items. If you do see what you are looking, we would love to assist you and give you a quote today!
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Overview
Ductile Iron (also known as Spheroidal graphite iron or Nodular Cast Iron) was invented in 1949. Ductile Iron retains the corrosion resistance of cast iron but has more than double the tensile strength [Cast Iron- 180 MPa (min), Ductile Iron - 420 MPa (min)]. The essential differences between Ductile and Cast Iron lies in the shape of the graphite in the microstructure of the metal. In Cast Iron, the graphite is present in plate-like flakes, which makes Cast Iron brittle. But in Ductile iron, the shape of the graphite becomes a spheroidal nodule, which offers better mechanical properties and makes Ductile Iron sturdy, Structurally stronger and shock-proof.
Ductile Iron pipe is considered as the most preferred pipe material for water supply and pressure sewerage application all over the world. It offers higher Tensile Strength than Mild Steel and retains the inherent corrosion resistance of cast iron. Pipes made from Ductile Cast Iron, provides substantial benefits in terms of pressure bearing ability, impact resistance and capacity to sustain external static/ dynamic loading.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Range
Ductile Iron Spun Pipes are produced in both as per Thickness Class (like, K9, K7 etc) and Pressure Class (Like C25, C30, C40 etc). The Standard Products are listed below.
Size (DN) mm | Preferred Pressure Class | Thickness Class | Outside Coating | Inside Lining |
80 | C40 | K7, K9 | Depending on Soil Aggressivity, the following coatings are available:
OR Zinc Alloy Coating of 200gm/m2 or 400gm/m2. OR Epoxy Coating of different Colors
| Depending on Water Aggressivity, the following Linings are available:
100 | C40 | |||
125 | C40 | |||
150 | C40 | |||
200 | C40 | |||
250 | C40 | |||
300 | C40 | |||
400 | C30 | |||
450 | C30 | K7, K9 | ||
500 | C30 | |||
600 | C30 | |||
700 | C25 | |||
750 | C25 | |||
800 | C25 | |||
900 | C25 | |||
1000 | C25 |

Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Advantages
- D iverse application
- U nique mechanical properties
- C an withstand high pressure & surge
- T ensile strength is highest among pipes
- I mpact Resistant.
- L eak-tight joint
- E asy to lay. Faster installation.
- I nherently corrosion resistant
- R eliable internal & external protection
- O ffers lower friction loss
- N o cathodic protection required
- P umping cost is lower
- I mpermeable pipe body
- P roven track record & durability
- E liminates recurring maintenance
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Application

Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Internal Protection System
Normally all pipes are supplied with centrifugally applied cement mortar lining. Fittings are supplied with manually applied cement lining. The mortar of the lining is composed of cement, sand and water.
Advantages of Cement Mortar Lining
- Centrifugally applied CML provides higher Hazen William’s C value of 140 compared to 100 for bare metallic pipes.
- Reduces frictional head loss and pumping cost.
- CML passivates the pipe wall against corrosion by the alkaline reaction of cement.
- CML prevents pitting and tuberculation of pipes and stops the production of red water.
- CML helps to maintain same flow area and co-efficient of friction over a long period of time.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Seal Coat on Cement Lining
When specified or prescribed by the customer the cement mortar lining is given a seal coat of asphaltic material. On specific requirement of customer we provide Epoxy Seal Coat over Cement Lining. The purpose of the seal coat is to control leaching of cement into Water.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Ceramic Epoxy for Sewerage
Ceramic epoxy lining is a specialized lining with high abrasion resistance which is suitable for raw sewer conveyance. This is done against customers requirement.
External Protection System
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Zinc Coating
The Zinc coating consists of a metallic Zinc alloy layer applied by metallization on the pipe surface. The metallic Zinc coating is covered by a finishing layer of a bituminous product or synthetic resin compatible with zinc. An improved chemical and mechanical stability of the coating is provided by the zinc coating and the finishing layer.
The International Standard ISO 8179 establishes the main features of Zinc coating as well as suitable methods for checking them. Zinc coating is applied in varying thickness depening on soil aggressivity. The options are :
- Standard 130 gm/ m2 and finishing layer of 70 microns
- 150 gm/m2 and finishing layer of 70 microns
- 200 gm/m2 and finishing layer of 70 microns
- 400 gm/m2 and finishing layer of 70 microns
In case of Fittings normally Zinc rich paint coating is applied instead of metallic Zinc coating
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Zinc Alloy Coating
For corrosive soil environment, Citizen Metals has developed a patented process of Zinc alloy coating which consists of a metallic Zinc alloy layer applied by metallization on the pipe surface. The metallic Zinc Alloy covered by a finishing layer of a bituminous product or synthetic resin compatible with zinc. An improved chemical and mechanical stability of the coating is provided by the Zinc alloy coating. The options are :
- As per customer requirement 400 gm/m2 Zinc Alloy (for very corrosive soil)
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Epoxy Coating
Compared to normal bitumen coated pipes it offers:
- More resistance to external galvanic/ soil corrosion in aggressive soil
- More resistance to external chemical (acid, alkali, organic) attack
- Better adherence to metal surface, hence more durable coating
- Higher scratch resistance
- Good resistance to coating damage during transportation/ handling/laying
- Comes in attractive blue/green (for water) or red ( for sewerage) colour
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Polyurethane coating
Citizen Metals offers pipes with External Polyurethane coating as per EN 15189 for heavy duty Corrosion protection in highly aggressive soil.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Polyethylene Sleeving
Loose polyethylene encasement is found to be very effective for protection of Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings in corrosive environments and widely practiced in USA, Europe and Australia, instead of Zinc coating. Investigation of many field installations, where loose polyethylene encasement has been used as protection for Cast Iron and Ductile Iron pipelines indicates that polyethylene encasement provides, for even highly corrosive test sites, a high degree of protection. The dielectric capability of polyethylene provides shielding for Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings from stray direct current encountered in the field. When Ductile Iron Pipes are layered with P.E. sleeving, the fittings are also covered with P.E. Sleeving.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Jointing Systems

Citizen Metals D.I. Pipes and Fittings are available with following types of jointing systems:
- Socket & Spigot Flexible Push-on Joints
- Restrained Joint Push-on Type
- Mechanical Flexible Joints (only fittings)
- Flanged Joint
Socket & Spigot Flexible Push-on Joints
Socket and Spigot Flexible Joints are assembled with synthetic (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer / Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber) rubber gaskets of special shape. The gasket has a hard ‘Heel’ and a soft ‘Bulb’. In Push-on joint the soft bulb of the rubber gasket is compressed when the spigot is inserted into the socket. The ‘Heel’ locks the position of the gasket and does not allow the gasket to get displaced when the spigot is pushed in. The joint becomes tighter with the increase in internal pressure of water. The rubber is confined in a place and cannot blow out.
Permissible Deflection at Socket and Spigot Joints
Where it is necessary to deflect the pipeline from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid obstructions etc., deflection at joint should not exceed the following:
Push on Joint | Maximum Deflection Angle |
80-150 mm | 5° |
200-300 mm | 5° |
300-600mm | 3° |
700-800mm | 2° |
900-1000mm | 1½° |
Citizen Metals ductile iron pipe Joints are type tested
Citizen Metals's design of the socket and the rubber gasket ensures guaranteed leak-tight joint through Type Test as per BSEN:545/ EN598 and ISO:2531. Type Test is testing the pipe and pipe joint at extreme working conditions (the product and use) to ensure satisfactory performance for a long time.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Jointing of Pipes
![]() | Step 1: Clean the socket grooves and outside spigot end. |
![]() | Step 2: Hold the gasket as shown and place inside the socket |
![]() | Step 3: Apply lubricant on the gasket. Do not use petroleum based lubricant. |
![]() | Step 4: Apply lubricant on the spigot also. Please check that the spigot end is properly champhered. |
![]() | Step 5: Properly align both the pipes. |
![]() | Step 6: Gently push the spigot into the socket with suitable mechanical means. |
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Rubber Gasket
The absence of sunlight and oxygen, presence of moisture/water, relatively lower and uniform surrounding temperature in buried conditions help in preservation of rubber gaskets. Thus this type of joint is expected to last for more than 100 years.
- Good quality Synthetic rubber gaskets made either of SBR (Styrene Butadyne Rubber) or EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) conforming to IS:5382 are used with Ductile Iron push-on joint pipes.
- Gasket should be stored in a cool & dry place. Direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided.
- It is advised that the users should obtain gaskets through Citizen Metals only.
Jointing Tips
- The sockets should face uphill while pipeline is laid on a slope.
- The direction of flow has nothing to do with direction of the socket.
- Never use petroleum based lubricant during jointing. It damages the gasket.
- All Fittings should be suitably anchored against displacement as recommended in the laying specification.
- Spigots should be inserted into the socket up to the white insertion mark to ensure proper jointing.
- The joint deflection should not be more than the recommended deflection.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Restrained Joint Push-on Type for Buried Pipes
Restrained Joints are special jointing system, which can take care of axial movement in case of thrust. Hydraulic thrust forces occur in pressurized mains, when there is any change in direction (bends, tees) or any change of diameter (tapers, valves) or any pipeline end (blank flanges or caps). These special joints are necessary on fittings and a few pipes adjacent to the fittings. Restrained Joints eliminate use of concrete anchor blocks, which are costly and delay the progress of laying operation.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Jointing Systems
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Mechanical Flexible Joints
In mechanical joint, sealing is achieved by applying pressure on the gasket by a separate gland. When bolted with the pipe, the gland exerts pressure on the sealing rubber gasket and makes the joint leak proof.
Mechanical Joints are popular due to the following advantages:
- Easier to assemble and dismantle without any special tool.
- Needs only a spanner.
- The leaking joint can be repaired very easily.
- Offers high flexibility and wider dimensional tolerance of the socket and spigot.
Jointing Procedure of Mechanical Joint Pipe & Fittings
- Clean the jointing socket and spigot of the pipe thoroughly.
- Insert the follower gland and the gasket on the spigot.
- Put the spigot into the M/J socket and align the pipes. Next slide the gland and gasket in position.
- Insert the nut-bolts and tighten diametrically opposite bolts.
- Ensure that the follower gland presses the rubber gasket properly.
- In case of any leakage the bolts may be tightened further.
- Joints to be assembled completely and then give required deflection.
Jointing of Flanged Pipes
Over ground and specialized applications require restrained joints where Flanged pipes are used. Flanged Pipes have the following advantages:
- Acts as self-restrained Joint reducing the requirement of thrust blocks.
- Ideal for over-ground and Exposed Installations
- Flanged Pipes are ideal for Vertical pipelines.
- Used for Temporary Installations (over pillars) where pipelines need to be disengaged or displaced.
- Widely used for interconnection in Pump House and Treatment Plant.
Flanged Pipe type | Diameter Range and lengths | Available PN Ratings |
Welded Flanged Pipes | ||
Flanges are welded on either side of a Class K9 barrel | From 80DN to 1000DN lengths up to 5.0 m. | PN 10, PN 16, PN 25, PN 40 |
Screwed Flanged Pipes | ||
Flanged are screwed-fit on either side of a Class K9 | From 80DN to 300DN diameter, in lengths up to 5.0 m. | PN 10, PN 16 |
Cast Flanged Pipes | ||
Flanged Pipe is cast as a single unit using advanced Lost Foam method. | From 80DN to 200DN up to 700mm length and 250DN to 700DN up to 1.2 m length | PN 10, PN 16, PN 25, PN 40 |
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Flanged Joints
- Properly align the pipes
- Clean flange faces and remove rust and dirt
- Position the gasket. Use 3 mm. thick moulded rubber gaskets with quality conforming to IS 5382.
- Lubricate bolt threads, all mating surface and flanges
- Use automotive grade oil / grease
- Insert the nut-bolts one by one. Tighten diametrically opposite bolts to the recommended torque
- If necessary, re-tighten bolts before pressure testing
Citizen Metals manufactures Flanged Pipes using all the three methods, that is, Welded Flanged Pipes, Screwed Flanged Pipes and integrally Cast Flanged Pipes (short lengths). Other types of coating and lining to the Flanged Pipes are also available. All flanged pipes are normally lined with Cement Mortar and has outside Zinc and Bitumen Coating.
- Buried installation of flanged pipe is not recommended.
- Flanged joint being a rigid joint, perfect alignment of the flange faces during jointing and bolt tightening is absolutely vital.
- Use of duck foot bend at bottom of vertical flange pipe line is necessary.
- For high pressure application, flanged pipeline needs thrust block / support at bends / tees.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Technical Details
Properties of Ductile Iron Pipe
Ductile iron properties
Ductile iron owes its remarkable mechanical properties to the spheroidal shape of its graphite:
- tensile strength,
- impact resistance,
- high elastic limit,
- good elongation.
These properties are further enhanced by control of the chemical analysis and heat treatment of the metal matrix.
Ductile iron maintains the traditional qualities of cast irons, resulting from the high carbon content:
- compression strength,
- castability,
- abrasion resistance,
- machinability,
- fatigue strength.
Properties | Ductile Iron Pipe |
Tensile strength | Min. 420 MPa |
Elongation (min) at break | 10% |
Modulus of Elasticity | 1.7 x 1010 Kg/M2 |
Hardness | Max. 230 BHN |
Basic Dimension of pipes
Class K7 Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) & K9 Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe)
Basic Dimension of Pipes | Thickness of Ductile Iron Pipes |
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) PRESSURE CLASS | Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) THICKNESS CLASS | |||||
Nominal Dia. DN mm | External Dia. DE mm | Tol. on DE mm | Preferred 'C' class | Preferred class Nom Thickness | Nominal Thickness K9 mm | ECL Works Test Pressure K9 (Kg/cm) |
80 | 98 | +1/-2.7 | C40 | 4.4 | 6.0 | 60 |
100 | 118 | +1/-2.8 | C40 | 4.4 | 6.0 | 60 |
150 | 170 | +1/-2.9 | C40 | 4.5 | 6.0 | 60 |
200 | 222 | +1/-3 | C40 | 4.7 | 6.3 | 60 |
250 | 274 | +1/-3.1 | C40 | 5.5 | 6.8 | 60 |
300 | 326 | +1/-3.3 | C40 | 6.2 | 7.2 | 60 |
350 | 378 | +1/-3.4 | C30 | 6.3 | 7.7 | 50 |
400 | 429 | +1/-3.5 | C30 | 6.5 | 8.1 | 50 |
450 | 480 | +1/-3.6 | C30 | 6.9 | 8.6 | 50 |
500 | 532 | +1/-3.8 | C30 | 7.5 | 9.0 | 50 |
600 | 635 | +1/-4 | C30 | 8.7 | 9.9 | 50 |
700 | 738 | +1/4.3 | C25 | 8.8 | 10.8 | 42 |
800 | 842 | +1/4.5 | C25 | 9.6 | 11.7 | 42 |
900 | 945 | +1/-4.8 | C25 | 10.6 | 12.6 | 42 |
1000 | 1048 | +1/-5 | C25 | 11.6 | 13.5 | 42 |

Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Stacking & Loading
Off Loading By Crane
Pipe masses, type of stacking, outreach required and site conditions to be taken into account when determining the suitability of lifting equipment.
- The lifting machine should be of the type, which retains the load safely in the event of a power failure.
- When cranes are used for off-loading individual pipes, slings or lifting beams with purpose designed padded hooks should always be used.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Stacking
Three types of stacking are recommended:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Square Stacking: suitable for pipes up to and including DN 400 | Parallel stacking using timber: suitable for pipes of all sizes | Pyramid stacking: suitable for pipes of all sizes |
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Points to remember:
The stacking area should provide a firm foundation with a suitable approach road for vehicles.
- During stacking and removal operations, safe access to the top of the stack is essential.
- Pipes should be stacked on a base of raised wooden battens at least 100 mm thick and 225 mm wide.
- The bottom layer of pipes should be securely anchored.
Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe) Stacking Heights
Diameter (mm) | No. of Layers |
100 | 16 |
150 | 14 |
200 | 12 |
250 | 10 |
300 | 8 |
350 and 400 | 7 |
450 and 500 | 6 |
600 | 4 |
700 | 3 |
750 and above | 2 |

The hooks should be as wide as possible and padded with rubber to minimise damage to cement linings. Smaller sizes, up to DN 400, may be lifted with wide fabrics slings. Wire ropes or chain slings should not be used.
Dimensions of Flange / Flange For Ductile Iron Pipe (DI Pipe)
DN | PN-10 | PN-16 | ||||||||||||
D | E | C | b | n | Dia (d) | Metric | D | E | C | b | n | Dia (d) | Metric | |
Nom. Dia. | Out side Dia | Dia. of raised Face | Pitch Circle Dia. | Flange Width | No. of Bolts | Bolt Hole Dia. | Bolt Size | Out side Dia | Dia. of raised Face | Pitch Circle Dia. | Flange Width | No. of Bolts | Bolt Hole Dia. | Bolt Size |
80 | 200 | 132 | 160 | 16.0 | 8 | 19 | M16 | 200 | 132 | 160 | 16.0 | 8 | 19 | M16 |
100 | 220 | 156 | 180 | 16.0 | 8 | 19 | M16 | 220 | 156 | 180 | 16.0 | 8 | 19 | M16 |
125 | 250 | 184 | 210 | 16.0 | 8 | 19 | M16 | 250 | 184 | 210 | 16.0 | 8 | 19 | M16 |
150 | 285 | 211 | 240 | 16.0 | 8 | 23 | M20 | 285 | 211 | 240 | 16.0 | 8 | 23 | M20 |
200 | 340 | 266 | 295 | 17.0 | 12 | 23 | M20 | 340 | 266 | 295 | 17.0 | 12 | 23 | M20 |
250 | 395 | 319 | 350 | 19.0 | 12 | 23 | M20 | 400 | 319 | 355 | 19.0 | 12 | 28 | M24 |
300 | 445 | 370 | 400 | 20.5 | 12 | 23 | M20 | 455 | 370 | 410 | 20.5 | 12 | 28 | M24 |
350 | 505 | 429 | 460 | 20.5 | 16 | 23 | M20 | 520 | 429 | 470 | 22.5 | 16 | 28 | M24 |
400 | 565 | 480 | 515 | 20.5 | 16 | 28 | M24 | 580 | 480 | 525 | 24.0 | 16 | 31 | M27 |
450 | 615 | 530 | 565 | 21.0 | 20 | 28 | M24 | 640 | 548 | 585 | 26.0 | 20 | 31 | M27 |
500 | 670 | 582 | 620 | 22.5 | 20 | 28 | M24 | 715 | 609 | 650 | 27.5 | 20 | 34 | M30 |
600 | 780 | 682 | 725 | 25.0 | 20 | 31 | M27 | 840 | 720 | 770 | 31.0 | 20 | 37 | M33 |
700 | 895 | 794 | 840 | 27.5 | 24 | 31 | M27 | 910 | 794 | 840 | 34.5 | 24 | 37 | M33 |
750 | 960 | 857 | 900 | 29.0 | 24 | 31 | M27 | 970 | 857 | 900 | 36.0 | 24 | 37 | M33 |
800 | 1015 | 901 | 950 | 30.0 | 24 | 34 | M30 | 1025 | 901 | 950 | 38.0 | 24 | 40 | M36 |
900 | 1115 | 1001 | 1050 | 32.5 | 28 | 34 | M30 | 1125 | 1001 | 1050 | 41.0 | 28 | 40 | M36 |
1000 | 1230 | 1112 | 1160 | 35.0 | 28 | 37 | M33 | 1255 | 1112 | 1170 | 45.0 | 28 | 43 | M39 |

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Jindal Ductile Iron pipe / Dealers / Distributors In India
In line with the strategic thinking of being a Total Pipe Solutions company and after reining its supremacy in Energy transportation sector,
Jindal SAW Ltd. entered in Ductile Iron pipe business to service the fast growing water and waste-water transportation segment. The company has two Blast Furnaces to ensure uninterrupted supply of hot metal. The company's impeccable track record of Quality Assurance and years of experience in pipe industry, places it in a commanding position in the growing water supply and waste-water transportation segment of the market. The Integrated Greenfield project of Ductile Iron pipes and pig iron is situated at Mundra, Gujarat.
DI Pipe Division has till date manufactured and supplied more than
75,000 Kms of DI Pipe across the globe. This division is the Market Leader in its segment in India and has also supplied Pipes in Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. DI Pipe and Fittings confirms to ISO 2531, BS EN 545, ISO 7186 & BS EN 598.
The DI Pipe plant was commissioned in the year 2005 and has the largest capacity of DI pipes manufactured at a single location.
In order to further support the requirements of our esteemed customers, Jindal SAW has set up the largest Ductile Iron Fittings plant in Tembhurni, Solapur, Maharashtra, India. The size range of fittings is DN 80 mm to DN 2200 mm with an annual production capacity of 18000 MT per annum.
Location : | Samaghogha, Mundra, Gujarat, India |
Installed Capacity : | 500,000 MT per Annum |
Product Name : | Ductile Iron Pipe with Socket & Spigot, Flange Joints |
Class of Pipe : | C20, C25, C30, C40, C50, C64, C 100 & Class K7 & K9 |
Size Range : | DN 80 mm to DN 1000 mm |
External Coating : | Zn & Zn-AI Coatings, Blue/Red Epoxy or Black Bitumen |
Internal Coating : | Cement Lining of OPC/ BFSC/ SRC/ HAC |
Europe Operations
In line with its Vision to serve the global market, Jindal SAW has acquired a DI pipe manufacturing plant (Brand Sertubi) at Trieste, Italy having installed capacity 80,000 MT per annum. The plant caters to the requirements of European countries.
Gulf OperationsIn addition, Jindal SAW has installed a Ductile Iron pipe manufacturing plant at Abu Dhabi, UAE. With an installed capacity of 350,000 MT per annum, the plant can manufacture DI pipes in the size range of DN 100 - DN 2200.
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We Supply To: Trinidad & Tobago, Singapore, Qatar, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Malaysia, Kuwait, Canada, Australia, United States, New Zealand, United Kingdom, St. Helena, South Africa, India, Nigeria, Ghana, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Ireland, Pakistan, South Korea, Iraq, Norway, Finland, Egypt, Netherlands, Denmark, Iran, Kenya, Sweden, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Taiwan, Greece, Germany, Oman, Tadepalligudem, Lebanon, Zaria, Omdurman, Yemen, Miryalaguda, Chennai, Pretoria, Bangalore, Suryapet, Manipur, Cameroon, Ghana, Karnataka, Muktsar, Kampala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Mogadishu, Ibadan, Bansberia, Cape Town, Lucknow, Bamako, Mizoram, Kano, Fez, Benin, Udgir, Puducherry, Mozambique, Russia, Ethiopa, Maiduguri, Thailand (Bangkok), Jamalpur, Port Harcourt, Maputo, Port Elizabeth, Yaoundé, Addis Ababa, Alexandria, Betul, Freetown, Khartoum, Colombo, Ambala, Luanda, Brazzaville, Morocco, Ouagadougou, Durban, Nagapattinam, Accra, Dar es Salaam, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Casablanca, Algeria, Rabat, Hong Kong, Bhiwadi, Ahmedabad, Lubumbashi, Tripura, Jaipur, Andhra Pradesh, Qatar, Sadar, Kaduna, Subra al-Haymah, New York, Kinshasa, Soweto, Harare, Kolkata, Giza, Nairobi, Bundi, Benin, Pune, Lagos, Antananarivo, Baraut, Maharashtra, Uganda, Surat, Algiers, Buxar, Abidjan, Tripoli, Bulawayo, Conakry, Angola, Cairo, Johannesburg, Jordan, Dakar, Cyprus, Kerala, Hyderabad, Venezuela, Mumbai, Kolwezi, Delhi, Douala, Ballia, Mbuji-Mayi.
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